My Outsider Art Book Collection

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I collect (hoard?) many things, but if I had to declare only one collection as my favorite, it would be my books.

The following list is an up-to-date listing of my books that fall into the categories of Outsider Art, Folk Art, Self-Taught Art, Art Brut, etc. It’s a public record of things that I’m looking at and find interesting, but it’s also a handy listing for myself – this way I always have access to the list of my books, so I’ll be less likely to accidentally buy duplicate copies (this happens more than you might imagine).

Last updated: January 21st, 2024
Current № of books in the collection: 46

Rob Keller’s Folk Art Book Library’
Sorry, no results were found.
Title Author Release
Accidental Genius: Art from the Anthony Petullo Collection
America’s Folk Art: Treasures of American Folk Arts and Crafts in Distinguished Museums and Collections
American Folk
American Folk Art in Ohio Collections: Akron Art Institute, Akron, Ohio
American Folk Art in Wood, Metal and Stone
American Vernacular: New Discoveries in Folk, Self-taught, and Outsider Sculpture
American Weathervanes: The Art of the Winds
Animals in American Folk Art
The Art of the Weathervane
Art Unsolved: The Musgrave Kinley Outsider Art Collection
Art, Crafts, and Architecture in Early Illinois
Bill Traylor William Edmondson and the Modernist Impulse
The Bird, the Banner, and Uncle Sam
By Hand: 25 Beautiful Objects to Make in the American Folk Art Tradition
The Charm of Krakow Toys
Contemporary American Folk Art: A Collector's Guide
Discovering American Folk Art
The Electric Pencil: Drawings from Inside State Hospital No. 3
The Flowering American Folk Art: 1776-1876
Flying High
Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania
The Folk Art Tradition: Naïve Painting in Europe and the United States
Folk Art Weather Vanes: Authentic American Patterns for Wood and Metal
Folk Paintings of America
Frida Folk
A Gallery of American Weathervanes and Whirligigs
Groundwaters: A Century of Art by Self-Taught And Outsider Artists
How to Know American Folk Art: Eleven Experts Discuss Many Aspects of the Field
How to Look at Outsider Art
In’tuit (Winter 1995)
Innocent Art
Jędrzej Wowro świątkarz beskidzki. Beskidian Holy Skulpture Maker
Mixed Pickles
Museum of International Folk Art: The First 10 Years
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection of Mexican Folk Art
Oaxacan Woodcarving: The Magic in the Trees
Outsider Art
Passionate Visions of American South: Self-Taught Artists from 1940 to the Present
Plain and Fancy: American Women & Their Needlework, 1700-1850
Primitives – Our American Heritage – Second Series
Sadak. Hand Painted Street Signs in India
The Spirit of Folk Art
The Temptation: Edgar Tolson and the Genesis of Twentieth-Century Folk Art
Treasures of American Folk Art – from the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center
Weather Vanes: The History, Design, and Manufacture of an American Folk Art
Young America: A Folk Art History

Update (Jan 24): You can now click on the entries to view more information about the books. There’s more formatting and styling to do here (and the sorting feature is currently broken), but it’s coming along.

*For my library database I use Bookpedia. I’ve had it for years to catalog my extensive typography book collection, now I’m using it also for these folk art books. It can store all sorts of information and can also reformat and export it for you to use in other places. Bookpedia automatically created the table listing above.