The Making Of: The Village Birdhouse

This piece was created in three main stages, over the course of two years. It began at my parent’s house in Illinois while I was visiting for Christmas in 2019. There, I drew up the blueprints and began to assemble the main structures. I chose to create it out of wood simply because I had access to the tools and space – in India (where I was living at the time) this was impossible. I was unable to carry the in-progress sculpture back home with me, so it had to stay in the US for the time being.

During my next visit home in the summer of 2021, I added some small but important features: tiny wooden steps, flag poles, and a turned wood spire. This year I was able to carefully pack the sculpture up and bring it back to Berlin (where I had moved back to between visits).

The final phase began in September 2021 in Berlin. I added the stamps, decorations, painting details, the weather vane, and many many coats of clear varnish. The piece was completed at the end of July 2022.

15 × 15 × 18 cm | 6 × 6 × 8 in
Materials: Wood, glue, acrylic, stamps, plastic deer & bird, clay, metal wire, glitter, moss, acrylic, enamel, & oil paints, and varnish.